6/04/21, 2:35 PM
Moray West will be running a virtual public exhibition from 17th May to 23rd May 2021 - the public consultation will inform viewers on key project steps and the latest proposals related to the onshore elements of the Moray West Offshore Wind Farm.
In light of the current Covid-19 situation, it is not possible to host face to face consultation events. Therefore, we will be hosting a digital public exhibition in the form of a Virtual Village Hall.
This Virtual Village Hall will communicate the current detail relating to the onshore construction works and seek your feedback.
A project video will include a high quality 3D animation of the proposal.
Please click on the following link to access the Virtual Village Hall https://moraywestexhibition.com/
If you have questions that are not answered by the information in the exhibition then you can make an appointment for a one- to- one phone call or Teams video call.
Members of the team will be available during the following time slots and we invite you to book a 15 minute call for one of these slots if you have questions.
To book a call please call or email Roger McMichael, Moray West Stakeholder Manager on: 07717 367 150 or roger.mcmichael@oceanwinds.com
Please indicate your date and time preference, together with whether you want us to call you, in which case please provide your preferred phone number, OR whether you prefer a video call, in which case please provide your preferred email address.
If you cannot make any of these slots then please suggest a couple of times that you can be available for a call.
We hope you find the exhibition information and look forward to your feedback.