Here you will find access to all published documents relating to the consenting of the Moray West Wind Farm project. Key documents can be found here.
Marine related documents are published by Marine Scotland, you can find them here.
Onshore development documents covering the Aberdeenshire and Moray Council areas are at:
Thumbnail | Title | Filename |
Moray-West-Generating-Station-ML-Decision-Notice-Conditions-FINAL.pdf | Moray West Generating Station ML Decision Notice Conditions FINAL | |
Moray-West-OfTI-ML-Decision-Notice-Conditions-FINAL.pdf | Moray West OfTI ML Decision Notice Conditions FINAL | |
Moray-west-s.36-consent-Decision-Notice-and-Conditions.pdf | Moray west s.36 consent Decision Notice and Conditions | |
1.-Moray-West-Ministerial-Submission-Annex-A-Legislative-Requirements.pdf | 1. Moray West Ministerial Submission Annex A Legislative Requirements | |
2.-Moray-West-Appropriate-Assessment.pdf | 2. Moray West Appropriate Assessment | |
Marine-Licence-Transmission-Works-Moray-West-FINAL.pdf | Marine Licence Transmission Works Moray West FINAL | |
Moray-West-EIA-Public-Notice-Notice-of-Determination.pdf | Moray West EIA Public Notice Notice of Determination |